Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus:
2000 years ago I
lived as Jacob who many call James, and I was known as
the Brother of Yeshua and the first leader of the New
Covenant movement of TheWay which is today known as
Christianity. I was sent back into the world to restore
the teachings of my brother Yeshua to their original
spiritual essence, and to guide you in TheWay that is
"narrow" so you will be able to open the "strait
gate" within you and enter the Kingdom that Yeshua
declared must be attained through the second birth. |
Ebionite HomePage:
If you call
yourself a Christian, Jew, Messianic believer, Evyonim,
Nazarene or Muslim, then it is imperative that you learn
of the Ebionites who are True Spiritual Israel -- They
are the Poor Ones to the ways and thinking of
this world -- The Ebionites were the Israelites of the
Nazirene Vow They are/were the Genuine Disciples of
Yeshua/Jesus who are in the world and not of it! |
Nazirene HomePage:
The original
spiritual teachings of Yeshua/Jesus as practiced by the
people of The Way who where known historically as the
Essenes, Ebionites, and Nazirenes. The teachings of The
Way are Spiritual -- and provide a means to open the
"strait gate" into the Kingdom while still
physically alive in the body/vessel. |
The Tree Of Life - Divine
Marriage: The Primary Objective of Life is to be
nourished by the Fruit of the Sacred Tree Of Life. But
few seekers have any understanding of how this
nourishment must be brought about and accomplished.
Outer Darkness And Plato's Cave Of Illusions:
Jesus taught that those who
fail to put on the Wedding Garment and come to TheCall
of the Wedding Feast, are thrown into what the Gospel
portrays as the "outer
darkness" -- which, when rightly understood,
parallels that of the analogy of Plato's Cave of
Illusions -- and because our modern culture possesses
absolutely no understanding of the implications, it can
be stated that modern man dwells in abject ignorance and
intellectual poverty. Why? Because we fail to
understand the great wisdom in the statement in the
Gospel of Thomas: (5) Jesus
said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which
is hidden from you will become plain to you..."
And in our failure to understand the nature and reality
of what we see, we remain drowning in a sea of
confusion. |
The Master Index: The
Index of Nazirene Ebionite web sites and the Original
Teachings of TheWay |
Original Gospel
Sacraments: The Sacraments that are practiced and
observed in the Christian Churches today have very
little in common with the Original Sacraments instituted
by Jesus. Without putting on the required Wedding
Garment, and being nourished by the Eucharist of the
Divine Manna that can only be imparted to the
seeker/disciple by and in the direct Spiritual Presence
of the Son of God while in the Kingdom, the believer
will continue to dwell in what Jesus portrayed as the
Far Country and Outer Darkness of Mind and Being --
unable to comprehend the Higher Mysteries of the Kingdom
-- and unable to attain the subsequent stage of Birth
that enables the seeker/disciple to gain entrance into
the Kingdom, and inherit the Promise of Entering into
Life. |
Know Thyself:
Jesus declared in the Gospel of Thomas:
"...But if
you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and
it is you who are that poverty".
It is for this reason
that the second-century Church Father Clement of
Alexandria said that it is
“…the greatest
of all lessons to know one's self. For if one knows
himself, he will know God; and knowing God, he will be
made like God… and that man becomes God, since God so
When God, in the
words of St. Nazianzen, no longer is an
“object of
but rather an
“object of desire”
-- and
we, desiring to be purified from the defilements of this
world, make ourselves fit vessels for the Lord to
indwell, the Spirit, according to St. Nazianzen, reveals
to us our true nature, and the revelation of this
manifest Sacred Knowledge makes
like God; so that when we have thus become like Himself,
God may, to use a bold expression, hold converse with us
as Gods, being united to us, and that perhaps to the
same extent as He already knows those who are known to
St. Nazianzen then writes that
Divine Nature then is boundless and hard to understand”
those who are yet carnal and think as natural beings of
this world. |
The Ten Words: That
restores the teachings of Jesus and TheWay to their
original spiritual environment. |
An Inconvenient Truth:
One of the most important articles that have been
written and exist in our present time -- in spite of
those who attempt to censor and inhibit the modern
seeker from having access to the Truth and TheWay.
Written by an Original Author of the Gospels, this
article reveals what modern authorities will at any
cost, censor and suppress. Why? Because as
counterfeit shepherds, they are carnal and totally
earth-bound in their thinking. Being carnal and
spiritually disenfranchised, they don't at all
understand -- or possess the knowledge of -- the Great
Spiritual Truths revealed in this article. |
Reincarnation, The Key To
Christianity: The only eyewitness account written
by an Elder in the original Ebionite Community
portraying the Death of Christianity -- The Religion of
Jesus and the Original Teachings of TheWay. Because
the Emperor of Rome hunted down and murdered the
Original Spiritual Christians and all those who opposed
the corruption of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay, the
Christian world itself has been cast into a Spiritual
Diaspora from which it has yet to emerge.
The Church Of The
AntiChrist: The Apostle Paul predicted that the
Church which portrays itself as Christian, will install
the Anti-Christ as the leader of the Church, and the
Christian world will worship Satan in place of God.
While the Christian world dwells under the deceptive
belief that they freed themselves from the paganism of
Rome in the Reformation, the leaders of the Reformation
did not at all understand the reality of a purely
Spiritual Religion where the objective was to be be in
the world and not of it -- using the scriptures as the
Key of Knowledge to gain entrance into the Kingdom while
still in the body-vessel -- in many respects the
reactionary dogma contrived by Martin Luther and the
other leaders of the Reformation had the effect of
further imprisoning the Church in the abyss of abject
carnal ignorance. |
The Bible itself openly rejects and
condemns the tenets of belief promoted by the Church.
What is demonstrated is the fact that the vast majority
of Christians neither understand the Bible -- and those
who do read it, do so through the filter of their dogma
and beliefs. re are 10
words that
were altered from their original context in the New
Testament that have the power to re-establish the
essence of the teachings of Yeshua which was known as
TheWay. These 10
words demonstrate
conclusively that the text of the New Testament has been
altered and corrupted in order to make it support the
doctrines of the Pagan Roman/Greek world. These 10
words further
demonstrate that the essence of the teachings of Yeshua
has little in common with the Christian religion
today. In fact, these 10
wordsare to Christianity what the 10
Commandments were
to Judaism -- i.e., the foundation from which every
other aspect of the religion springs forth! These 10
words prove
the Ebionites correct, and modern Christianity which is
founded upon 4th century Roman doctrines to be in
error. These 10
words prove
that without a return to the essence of Yeshua's
original teachings, modern Christians
are neither saved, nor do they have the salvation they
erroneously believe they do. |
The Consecrated Life is
the Path that leads to Wholeness -- and this Wholeness
can only be brought about when the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus
and TheWay becomes a mindset and lifestyle that develops
the person and brings them to Completion. In the
parable of the prodigal son, the experiences in what is
portrayed as the Far Country develops the son -- enables
him to prevail and to rule over himself -- and it is
this state of Completion within himself that permits him
to return to the Edenic Kingdom of the Father. Each
and every person is presently evolving to this state of
Completion and Wholeness in the Omega of Perfection,
that will permit them to return to their True Source of
Being. |
Key Of Knowledge: When Jesus condemned the
leaders of the Jews as blind guides, it was because they
threw away the Key Of Knowledge. In the fourth century
of our Common Era, the Church of Rome in like manner
threw away the Key Of Knowledge -- causing the Christian
world to become lost and wandering in what Jesus
portrayed as the "outer
darkness" of
Mind and Being. |
The Light Of Yeshua --
The Messianic Nazirene Disciple of TheWay:
While many teach that believers are
saved by faith, the journey of the disciple of Yeshua is
one of absolute dedication to The Way. The disciple who
becomes a brother to Yeshua must live as he lived, and
become a Nazirene who is consecrated and wholly set
apart as they walk the Narrow Way, enter into the
Kingdom through the Strait Gate, and learn directly from
the L-rd -- the One Rabbi and Teacher of the Mysteries
of G-d. |
Divine Strategery: How
God Fools Mankind - Keeping Him Ignorant Of The Truth:
Strategery has become synonymous with when what is
portrayed as simple, simpleminded, or even self-evident,
is able to dupe and thwart an opposing force that
perceives itself to be either superior, or to suppose
they know the answers. Divine Strategery is how God
fools all the religious leaders of this world who think
they doctrinally
know God -- all the would-be teachers and philosophers
of this world who think they
Know Truth --
all the Atheists and those who criticize and denounce
the existence of God by virtue of their limited
perception and understanding -- and all the people in
this world who think they understand the purpose of life
and the world in which we presently dwell. As prodigal
sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, if the people
in this life knew the answers, then the learning
experience of God's
SchoolHouse of this world would not effectively
evolve us to become true Brothers and Sisters of our
Elder Brother Yeshua/Jesus. Therefore, in order to
insure that each of us is immersed in the necessary
learning experience that this life offers, all people
are equally fooled into thinking they know, in order for
them to be manipulated into embracing a higher agenda
that is beyond their ability to even imagine. Thus,
Divine Strategery!!!
Reincarnation - The Key
To Christianity And The The Pre-Existent Soul of
Mankind: Jesus taught the reality of the
pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection over the
course of many lifetimes. The Church adheres to the
doctrine and theology of a Circus Prostitute and a Roman
Emperor who maintained absolute control over what
Christians were permitted to believe! Christians
continue to cling to the theology of this Circus
Prostitute today - rejecting the teachings of Jesus,
while adhering to the doctrines of Pagan Rome. The mass
confusion of an uncountable number of sects today, is
the direct result of the void which was brought about
when this foundational concept was removed from both the
Bible, as well as Christian doctrine. The doctrinal
quagmire which was brought about with the removal of
this foundational teaching, obstructs Christians growth
and maturity beyond the entry-level simple faith.
Because they adhere to the corrupted doctrines of men,
modern Christians can't inherit the Biblical Promise of
entering the Kingdom and Life. |

It was said of the Church
Father Origen by St. Gregory of Nyssa that he was
“the prince of Christian
learning in the Third Century” -- and the
Encyclopedia Britannica calls him
“…the most prominent of all the
church fathers”. But how did he become the
man that St. Jerome considered to be
“the greatest teacher of the
Church after the Apostles”? According to
the soul who lived as Origen, he had previously lived as
the disciple and scribe of Jacob who people call James,
who was the Brother of Jesus. And from that life with
Jacob, he learned to write scriptures in Hebrew
Characters, and he worked on the original source
scriptures which has since come to be called the New
Testament scriptures of the Bible. On his web site,
Emmanuel Pohorecki reveals not only the accounts of the
many lifetimes that he has lived, but also his own
journey into the presence of his soul-self -- i.e., his
true self who is the Being of Light. And once again
Emmanuel has demonstrated that you don't need to
physically die to communicate with, and enter into the
presence of your soul-self who is the Being of Light in
the Near Death Experience. And in his soon to be
completed article on the Journey of the Soul and Visions
from his Higher Self, he will write about what his
soul-self has taught him while in the Realm of Souls.
Emmanuel provides other important insights in man's
higher reality with his account of his life with Fr.
Francis, as a Native American, and as one of the
Constitutional Founding Fathers of the United States.
The Long Island Mystic
and Nazirene Disciple of TheWay:
Organizational HomePage of The Nazirene -- the Long
Island Mystic, Evangelical Minister, and Prophet of
TheWay -- who God bestowed upon him the gift of the
recall of his previous life as a Disciple and Brother of
Messiah/Christ -- and thus has re-entered this world at
the present time in order to restore the Spiritual
Essence and Teachings of his Master, Yeshua/Jesus. The
Kingdom is within! And we must sojourn the narrow path
of TheWay, enter the "strait gate" to the Inner
Spiritual Temple, while still alive in the physical
body. Thus, modern Christians have misunderstood the
words of Yeshua -- he never said that we must physically
die to enter the Edenic Kingdom of Origination -- but
rather, we must die to the culture, mindset and ways of
this world in order to enter the Kingdom! |
Being Of Light:
Who are we? What are we? From where have we come? What
is our destiny? To the demise of those who read these
words, only a handful of people today can answer these
all-important crucial questions correctly! The rest
dwell under the cloud of unknowing -- and if you think
you are the person whose reflection you see in the
mirror, then you are a stranger to your true self and
have made yourself part of the illusion of this world.
With great wisdom Yeshua/Jesus is quoted in The Books of
the Savior, also known as Pistis Sophia (Faith-Wisdom):
"Do not cease seeking day or
night, and do not let yourselves relax until you have
found all the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light, which
will purify you and make you into Pure Light and lead
you into the Kingdom of Light." |
Gospel of the
Nazirenes -- Gospel Of Light: What did the
Gospels look like before being edited and re-written by
the Church of Rome? What were the original beliefs of
the first followers of Yeshua? You will be astonished
when you read a surviving text of The Gospel of the
Nazirenes which was hidden away from the corrupters of
the Roman Church. Are you ready for a truly enlightening
experience? |
The Orthodox Corruption
of the Scriptures: Was
the Bible rewritten? Prof. Nestle writes: "Learned
men, so called Correctores were, following the church
meeting at Nicea 325 AD, selected by the church
authorities to scrutinize the sacred texts and rewrite
them in order to correct their meaning in accordance
with the views which the church had just sanctioned." To
ignore the facts is to alienate oneself from the Living
Word of God |
The Suppressed Teachings
On Children:
calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them,
and said, Truly,
I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you
will never enter the kingdom of heaven"
(Mat 18: 2-3). Because the important teachings on
children were removed from the Gospels, it remains
virtually impossible for the modern believer to gain
entrance into the Inner Kingdom |
What Happened To
Zackarias? Because the mainstream of Christians
can't even begin to answer the question as to what
happened to Zackarias? It remains impossible for them
to understand the true reality of the scriptures -- or
why the religion of the pre-Nicene Church Fathers was
very different than the dogma preached from the pulpits
today. And while the missing account of Zackarias can
be easily proven today, the fact that the modern
Christians ignores the facts and the truth has had the
effect of disenfranchising them from the Kingdom they
have been commanded to seek out. |
Things Christians Never
Tell Jews About The New Testament: Many Jews have
been misinformed when they have been warned by
Christians that if they don't believe and come to Jesus,
they will not inherit salvation and eternal life. Part
of this is an error of ignorance -- i.e., because their
Christian forefathers were adulterous, and defiled their
own covenant with the Lord in the manner of the Jews
when they worshiped other gods, they have yet to recover
from their spiritual temple being plundered and ravished
by the unclean and dark forces of this world. They
therefore have lost their own way, and no longer can
come into the Presence of the Lord.
The Facts: Both Christians
and the Jews they have persecuted, condemned, and even
murdered over the past two thousand years will be
shocked by what they will read herein! What they will
learn is a fact that has long confused many sincere
students of the New Testament scriptures -- scriptures
which are very Jewish in origin -- and because of their
very mystical Jewish essence, has long confounded the
non-Jews who have championed the Gospel message. To
their own undoing, most Christians ignore their own
theologians and biblical scholars who have attempted to
warn them that the scriptures are paradoxical -- i.e.,
that in all theological positions there exists two lines
of seemingly opposite and conflicting truths presented
to the reader -- and those who accept one truth while
ignoring the other, will themselves fall into heresy by
falling into grave sectarian error with respect to the
true meaning of the Gospel message. Thus, those who
maintain that there is no salvation apart from belief in
the historical Jesus in the manner of modern Christian
doctrine, have themselves fallen into the trap of heresy
that the very first followers of Jesus warned believers
not to fall into! And while it is true that these
sectarian vicars of the Church can prove their position
by using the scriptures, it is further true that their
own scriptures also contain another line of truth that
presents an entirely different picture than what the
Church has portrayed to the world -- a picture where the
opposite is also true. |
The Sower And The Seed:
Unless you become the "good ground" in the parable of
the Sower And The Seed, it will remain impossible for
you to comprehend the true spiritual meaning of the
Gospel and the higher reality of the soul and the
Kingdom of God. |
The Secret Doctrine Of
Christianity: In the approximate year of 178 of
our Common Era, Celsus, the Epicurean Philosopher and
opponent of Christianity published a rather embarrassing
work in opposition to Christianity known as The True
Word or Discourse. It is said that this work was widely
published and used by the Pagan world as an attack on
the Church. In examination of this document, the modern
Christian must initially ask: Who today would accuse the
Christian Church of being a
“secret system”? No one -- because the Church
today has lost its spiritual essence -- and is a mere
shadow of its former self over the first three centuries
of its existence. Therefore, it is important for us to
recognize that such an allegation would be unheard of in
our present time. |
The Enigma Of The
Shepherd Of Hermas: Even though it is said of the
Shepherd of Hermas that it was
"...the most popular books, if not the most popular
book, in the Christian Church during the second, third,
and fourth centuries...", it remains unknown
to the modern Church. Why? Why was the book that is
representative of the core Gospel of the earliest
Church, no longer is use today? Because while Hermas
reflected the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, it
would be deemed heresy by the modern Church. And when
rightly understood, the fact of the matter is that it is
impossible for the modern believer, critic, biblical
expert or scholar to in any manner understand the
message that Hermas bears. Which means that if the
Shepherd of Hermas was indeed the most popular scripture
in the Gentile Church over the first three centuries,
then it can rightly be stated that the modern Church has
virtually nothing in common with the pre-Nicene Gentile
Church. |
Divine Manna:
"To him who overcomes will I
give to eat of the hidden manna" (Rev
2:8-17). "My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of
Knowledge Because You Have Rejected Knowledge, I Reject
You..." (Hosea 4:6). "Blessed are those who do
His commandments, that they may have the right to the
tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the
city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually
immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves
and practices a lie" (Rev 22:14). "Therefore, he
who rejects this instruction does not reject man but
God, who gives you his Holy Spirit" (1 Thes 4:8 NIV) |
Gospel Of Thomas:
These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus
spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down. And he
said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings
will not experience death." Jesus said, "Let him who
seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he
will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will
be astonished, and he will rule over the All."
The Gate Of Eden:
Why were the Nazirene/Ebionites vegetarian? Why did
they live in accordance with the precepts of the
Torah/Law? Why did they live separate and apart from
both Jews and Christians? The answer is very simple:
The Gate of Eden is within us, and if we fail to enter
therein while we are still physically alive in the body,
we will have failed in our opportunity to enter into
Life. And while it can be countered that we are saved
by our belief in Messiah/Christ, faith, or the blood of
the lamb, the truth is that if we were truly faithful
disciples of TheWay, that we would experience the
opening of the inner door and the Kingdom coming within
us. The GateOfEden article explores all aspects of the
need to pick up one's own cross and follow the narrow
path that leads to the inner gate to the Edenic Kingdom
of Origination. |
What was the Mysteries of the Gospel that Jesus revealed
only to the inner core of disciples?
While teaching the multitude of the people only in
parables? "And
the disciples came and said to Him, Why do You speak to
them in parables? He answered and said to them, Because
it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the
kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given" (Matt
13:10-11 NKJ). As someone who was there, at the time,
what is presented in this article is not only far beyond
the understanding of any book that you could read, or
teacher you could seek out. what is presented in this
article will force you to re-evaluate everything that
you thought you knew about both yourself, and the very
purpose of life as you think you understand it. And
even more revealing than the three major lies of
Judaism, Christianity and Islam that inhibits the people
from understanding the foundational essence of all three
religions, is an examination of both the lies and
profound truths of the emerging scientific world which
is for the most part ignored by our cultural icons,
because the findings of modern quantum physics confirms
the visionary truths of the Mystics which the religious
and intellectual worlds have long censored from the
common understanding. |
Epistle Of Light -
Epistle Of James To Pope John Paul II:
2000 years ago I lived as
Jacob the brother of Jesus known as James. I was sent
back to bring about the restoration of the Church, and
the within letter to Pope John Paul is important for you
to read and forward. The pope has the power to bring
peace on earth if he releases certain early Christian
documents that are in his possession. Jesus is calling
out to you to help make the truth known! Will you hear
the call? |
Light Of Yeshua:
The Essence of Messianic Judaism and being Spiritually
Torah Observant. Many Messianic Jews attempt to embrace
traditional Christian doctrine with a Jewish facade in
an attempt to convert other Jews to a quasi-form of
Jewish-Christianity with a Pagan foundation. In view of
the fact that the original followers of Yeshua are
historically described as “…rejected from one religion
as apostates, and from the other as heretics” (Gibbon:
Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, v.1, p.416), this
conversion to Jewish-Christianity would be a grave
error. |
The Cross And The Seat
The only mean by which mankind
can move beyond his present limitations and struggles
with the unknown, is to gain access to the Source of
what he observes and interacts with in the world which
is in what the mystic and scientist affirm as being the
(Etheric) Field that surrounds all matter that we
observe with our physical senses. But to accomplish
this, man must develop ways to effectively use his
suppressed Intuitive spheres of mind. Which means that
to even begin to tap into the unseen Source, we must
move beyond our traditional behaviors, mindset and
perception of reality, and begin to embrace
untraditional ways that permit the development and use
of our suppressed Intuitive facilities of mind. If
what man presently portrays as accidents, can indeed be
perceived prior to the event taking place -- and thus,
be avoided -- then we will have eliminated the massive
suffering and even death that is the result of these
episodes of human existence. And therefore, if the
witness of both the Mystic and the emerging scientific
evidence is true -- and reality must he sought in the
unseen (Etheric) Field as the Source of all events that
transpire -- then it becomes imperative for man to begin
to develop and evolve those Intuitive spheres of mind
that has been abandoned and left atrophied by the
linear-only elements of our modern culture. |
Did Jesus Become The Son Of God It
is a widely accepted doctrine among Christians today
that the disciples and Ebionite Nazirene followers did
not comprehend the true nature of Jesus, because they
did not proclaim that he was God -- as did the later
Gentile converts. Yet, just the opposite is true --
i.e., the vast majority of Romans and Greeks were too
pagan and heathen in their thinking and mindset, to
understand the higher spiritual concepts that Jesus and
his disciples revealed to mankind. Even today the
problem remains with respect to our inability to
understand why Jesus was different than we are. Because
Christians cling to the doctrines of Rome, they are
unable to answer many important foundational questions
that would permit their thinking to evolve beyond what
Paul portrayed as the entry-level doctrines of the
simple faith that are elementary in their understanding.
And while Paul warns that the "natural" (organic) mind
of man is incapable of understanding the higher reality
of the soul and the Inner Kingdom -- warning that
committed and baptized believers will reject the
Mysteries of God as utter "foolishness" -- yet, the
modern Church to their own destruction continues to
ignore this all-important warning. What enabled Jesus to
perform miracles? What enabled him to be able to
communicate with the Father? Surely, we conclude, he
could not have been a normal man. Therefore, we arrive
at the only possible answer from our very limited
perspective and conclude that the Jewish disciples and
earliest followers of Jesus must have been wrong, and he
had to have been God to know all that he knew, and be
able to do all that he did. Thus, the flaw in the
thinking of the Church is in their inability to envision
and comprehend the manner in which mankind grows and
evolves to a state of spiritual maturity -- how man, the
prodigal son, who was created in the image and likeness
of God, his Heavenly Father, begins to take on all the
attributes of his Creator and Parent. In not
understanding the process by which each of us embraces
our eventual destiny, we worship instead of imitating
the pattern that Yeshua/Jesus provided for all the
prodigal sons and daughters of the Most High to follow. |
Lilith - The Demonic
Reality Of Feminism: In
the Divine Pattern of Creation man and woman are not
only equal, but the mental/spiritual level of one
polarity directly affects and limits the other. The
spiritual ignorance of many religious groups today is
directly in proportion to the failure of men and women
to interact and move into a state of spiritual harmony
and balance. |